5 Tips for Encouraging Creative Thinking in Children

Image courtesy of vickleart.co.uk
Encouraging creative thinking in children is easy to do if you incorporate these 5 simple tips.
Allow Them Free Time
One of the easiest things for promoting creative thinking in children is to allow them to have down time where they have time for thinking and exploring. It is important to allow this by not requiring them to participate in too many structured activities.
Limit Computer and Television Time
Limiting time on the computer and television allows for more time to pursue creative activities, like imaginative play. And when they are on the computer there are several creative games that can be utilized, such as ones where they create art or design things like roller coasters or cities.
Provide Them With Tools For Creativity

Some examples of tools for encouraging creative thinking in children are blank drawing pads with markers and crayons, blocks for building with, or ink pads for making finger print art. For more tips read http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sarah_J_Holt

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